FOH Control:
DiGiCo Quantum 338
Ableton Live
Redundant Qlab Control
DiGiCo SD5
18x Channels of Axient
30x Channels of UHF-R
16x Channels of PSM1000
6x Channels of SR2050 w/ 1000 SR Beltpacks
Signal Distribution & Processing:
2x DiGiCo SD Racks
8x Optocore Nodes
12x Dolby LP4D16 Lake Processors
FOH Performance System:
16x Lacoustics V-Dosc/ 8x DV-DOSC
12x Lacoustics DV-Dosc
12x Lacoustics SB218
Site System:
80x Quest MS801
45x Quest MS401
2x Riedel Artist 64
12x Riedel Smart Pannels
32x Riedel Bolero Wireless Comms
60x Hytera 2 Way Radios
12x Hytera Repeaters (Comms Intergration)