At the start of 2021 Lifelike Touring approached us to come on board as
the Production Manager for the Paw Patrol Arena tour for Australia.
This Show came with multiple challenges of adapting primarily a theatre show and implementing it into arenas with different rigging capacities and space restrictions.
We also had to adapt to Australia’s new covid rules that we had to follow to put on this performance and incorporate the local state regulations into making the tour work.
Along with production managing this tour, we supplied a complete CAD redraw using Vectorworks with all the updates and changes to the Show.
Paw Patrol performed the Show in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and Newcastle to over 70 thousand patrons.
The Show consisted of the following
3x Semi Trailers
64x Chain Hoists
60+ lighting Fixtures
MA2 Lighting Control With NPU’s
Customized LED Set electrics
L’Acoustics K2 Audio System
18x Shure UR4 Headsets with DPA4066 Headsets
Digico SD9 Audio Control with Lake processing
120m Of Truss
Fully Redundant Qlab Play Back System